Outlooks - Heather Hart Storm King Art Center
The Oracle of Lacuna

The narratives at the heart of The Oracle of Lacuna are meant to emerge and transform through public programing and viewer activation.
Each conversation in this archive documents roundtable conversations that occurred at Storm King. Each speaker was chosen to add an important perspective for the piece and public.
The speakers responded to prompts Hart provided. The prompts asked about the history of Storm King Art Center, memories of space, ideas of home, ideas about the impact and location of the Center, Black and Brown history and presence in the Hudson Valley, viability of oral history, etc. Visitors are permitted to walk atop and underneath Hart’s sculpture.
Thank you to the following for contributing their stories to this archive:

David Collens
Director & Chief Curator, Storm King

Mike Seaman
Director of Facilities and Conservation Specialist, Storm King

Beatrice Stern
Founding family of Storm King

Joan Stern
Founding family of Storm King

Lisa Stern
Founding family of Storm King

John Stern
Founding family of Storm King
What is your name? Where do you come from? - Table #1
What do you do? What is your passion? - Table #1
What have you been working on outside of Storm King? - Table #1
When did you first set foot at Storm King? - Table #1
What comes to mind when you think of a rooftop? - Table #1
What were some of the wildest installations you've seen here? - Table #1
What are the some of the communities that surround Storm King? - Table #1
How have you seen women sculptors impact the collection? - Table #1
What was the impact of the Stern Family and thus Storm King on this area? - Table #1
What is your name? Where are you from? - Table #2
What have you been working on lately? - Table #2
What comes to mind when you think of a rooftop? - Table #2
Who else should have a seat at the table? - Table #2