Storm King Art Center gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, corporations, and foundations that supported our programs and general operations in 2024.
Ambassador ($100,000+)
Jennifer Brorsen and Richard DeMartini
Roberta and Steven Denning
Cathy and Peter Halstead
Hazen Polsky Foundation
Malcolm C. Nolen and Jennifer Napier Nolen
Pace Gallery
Nicholas A. Polsky and Eve Yohalem
Ralph E. Ogden Foundation
Thomas A. and Georgina T. Russo
Benefactor ($50,000+)
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Grace and Miguel Hennessy
Stephanie Hunt and Stephen S. Trevor
Debby and Rocco Landesman
Peter and Beverly Lipman
Matthew Marks
New York State Council on the Arts
Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust
Hume Steyer and Nanahya Santana
Fellow ($25,000+)
Acacia Conservation Fund
Almine Rech Gallery
Arnhold Family
Allison and Larry Berg
David Diamond and Karen Zukowski
Girlfriend Fund
Agnes Gund
halley k harrisburg and Michael Rosenfeld
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Ronald and Sandra Kossar
National Endowment for the Arts
Ohnell Family Foundation
Jim and Mary Ottaway
Pine Tree Foundation of New York
Nancy and Fred Poses
Cynthia and Andrew Richards
Lois and Arthur Stainman
TD Charitable Foundation
Wagner Foundation
The William and Elaine Kaplan Family Foundation
Windgate Foundation
Supporter ($10,000+)
Candy and Michael Barasch
Janet Benton and David Schunter
Irma and Norman Braman
Eunhwa Chin
The Coby Foundation
Margaret Coyle
Beth Rudin DeWoody
The Educational Foundation of America
Christopher J. Elliman
Estate of David Smith
The Ettinger Foundation
Charlotte Feng Ford
Kristina Gade-Diels
Gladstone Gallery
Katja Goldman and Michael Sonnenfeldt
The Helis Foundation
Jack and Margarita Hennessy
Miyoung E. Lee and Neil Simpkins
Mary W. Harriman Foundation
Hank McNeil
Richard and Ronay Menschel
Stephen Meringoff
Russell Miller
Ben Nickoll and Christine Armstrong
Offit Capital
PECO Foundation
Lora Reynolds
Eric Richter and Charles Shoener
Adam Sheffer
Jon and Kim Shirley
SHS Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smith
Dana Tang and Andrew Darrell
Fern and Lenard Tessler
Laurie M. Tisch
Diane and Tom Tuft
von Rydingsvard and Greengard Foundation
Friend ($5,000+)
Kathy and Steven Alecia
Anonymous (3)
Beaux Arts Institute
The Bluhm Family Foundation
Diana Bowes and James Torrey
Carlo Bronzini and Tanya Traykovski
Raquel Caticha and Matthew Porter
Beverly and Herbert Chase
Consigli Construction Co., Inc.
Kelli and Jason Cross
Edward H. Benenson Foundation
David and Victoria Foley
Gordon Gund
Adrienne Hepler
Jack and Erica Howard-Potter
Soledad and Robert Hurst
Robin and David Key
Herbert and Ellen Kozlov
Judy and Leonard Lauder
Leon Levy Foundation
Dorothy Lichtenstein
Chip Loewenson and Susan Brune
Christine Maraganore
C.C. Marsh and David Beach
Stacy Millus
Victoria F. Morris
Daniel and Brooke Neidich
Lynn and Nick Nicholas
Nancy Olnick and Giorgio Spanu
Overhills Foundation
Paula Cooper Gallery
Marsha and Jeffrey Perelman
Radoff Family
Paula and Ira Resnick
Andrew Ruth
Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Julie O’Connor
Ruth and Andrew Suzman
Terra Foundation for American Art
The Triad Foundation
Jorge de la Vega
Helen and Peter Warwick
Adam D. Weinberg and Lorraine Ferguson
Charles P. and Shelby S. Werner
Stephan Woolstone
WXY architecture + urban design
Charlotte Yu and David Chi
Kenneth and Jennifer Zolot
Associate ($1,000+)
Anonymous (3)
Carolyn and Steven Barg
Richard and Kerri Bartlett
Doreen and Gilbert Bassin
Richard Bassuk
Helena and Peter Bienstock
Jill and Jay Bernstein
Spencer Brownstone
Christy Turlington Burns
Charles Capetanakis, Esq.
Hugo Cassirer and Sarah Buttrick
Will Cavanagh and Ricki Gardner
Jack Cogen and Amy Starck
Vivien and David Collens
Rachel and Nick Cope
Jessica Currall and Larry Ullman
Guillaume and Andrea Cuvelier
Mike and Lucy Danziger
John W. Davidge III and Deborah M. Lott
Jessie V. Davidson
Jocelyne and David A. DeNunzio
Melanie Dodson and David Granger
Donohue Family Foundation
The Duell and Sturges Family
Gillian Fallon
Linda Findley and Mike Effle
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Kyle Fletcher and Alison Medland
Jill and Michael J. Franco
Galerie Lelong & Co.
Emma and William Garris
Sezelle Gereau
Ginny Gold
Greenwich Art Group
Reed Hastings and Patty Quillin
Hauser & Wirth
Tom Healy and Fred P. Hochberg
Naomi Hersson-Ringskog and Samuel Ottenhoff
Patricia Hewitt
Ian and Lea Highet
Steven L. Holley
Jane Jacobs
Susan and Henry Johnson
In Loving Memory of Wyatt Kelso
Belinda and Stephen Kaye
Karin and Paul Kingsley
Jeffrey A. Klein
Thomas E. Knox and Charles Morgan
Jill and Peter Kraus
Christoph Lange
The Lawrence and Carol Saper Foundation
Liz Livingstone and Thomas Hadley
Nancy Magoon
Simone Mailman
Anastasia Mann and Eldar Shafir
Elizabeth and Timothy Mayhew
Steven and Katie Merrill
Douglas Michelman and Nina Dobbs
Anna and Peter Morrissey
Evie Morrow and Steven Solinsky
Helen Stambler Neuberger and James Neuberger
Suzanne and David Oliver
Laura Paulson
Putter Pence
Gina Peterson
Marguerite O. Pitts
Fred Rickey
Ricardo Rodriguez
Alita and Rick Rogers
Diana and Jonathan F.P. Rose
John Rosenberg and Susan Bennett
Lauren and John Roth
Alexander S. Rower and Elan Gentry
Victoria L. Salnikoff
Anthony and Amanda Sciarra
Phyllis and Leonard Seevers
Samuel W. Seymour and Karen Patton Seymour
Karen and Wales Shao
The Sheinman Family
Elizabeth and Richard J. Smith
Mrs. H. Peter Stern
Storm King School
Margaret Sung and Michael Schmidtberger
Tracy Tang
Kathryn Wagner
Lucy R. Waletzky
Michael Wax
Amy Weisser and Adam Yarinsky
Lisa and Richard Witten
Caryl Yanow and Bill Grueskin
Storm King acknowledges the generosity of the following artists for their support of the 2024 Gala:
Beatriz Cortez
Heather Hart
Gregor Hildebrandt
Justine Kurland
Alicja Kwade
Brandon Ndife
Virginia Overton
Martin Puryear
Arlene Shechet
Jean Shin
Alyson Shotz
Lee Ufan
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